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Sunday 28 January 2024

Emerging Threat: Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

Unveiling the Alarming Trend

Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

The Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) has shed light on the disturbing surge of "financial sextortion" in North America and Australia, driven notably by a non-organized cybercriminal group in West Africa known as the "Yahoo Boys." This cybercrime involves adults coercing minors into sharing explicit images online, with threats of widespread distribution unless victims comply with financial demands.

Exploiting Social Apps for Coercion

Emerging Threat: Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

NCRI's study reveals that cybercriminals predominantly exploit popular social apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and Wizz to target and connect with victims. The Yahoo Boys' tactics, originating as a means of quick wealth in West Africa, have gained cultural prominence, fueled by references in popular songs.

Impact on Victims and Legal Responses

Emerging Threat Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

Sextortion, described by the FBI as a "transnational crime threat causing significant American deaths," has particularly affected boys and young men, often driving victims to tragic outcomes like suicide. Legal actions against cybercriminals involved in sextortion schemes, such as the extradition of Nigerian individuals linked to a case prompting a teen's suicide, highlight the severity of the issue.

Social Media Platforms' Responsibility

Emerging Threat Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

Despite the escalating cases of reported sextortion, social media platforms implicated in the study, including TikTok, YouTube, Scribd, and Meta's Instagram and Snapchat, have been slow to address the problem. NCRI urges these platforms to actively moderate and remove materials promoting sextortion, emphasizing the need for a dedicated reporting category for such crimes.

Training and Recruitment through Online Platforms

Emerging Threat Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

The study exposes how Yahoo Boys actively promote their tactics through training videos and guides on platforms like TikTok, Scribd, and YouTube. These materials, viewed over half a million times, contribute to the perpetuation of sextortion. While some platforms have taken actions to remove violating content, the response remains inconsistent across the board.

Critical Recommendations for Social Apps

Emerging Threat Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

NCRI calls for social media platforms to implement stricter measures, including actively searching and removing sextortion-related content. The study highlights the need for enhanced privacy features, particularly in preventing cybercriminals from infiltrating victims' personal networks. Platforms like Snapchat are urged to educate users about the permanence of shared content and implement additional safeguards for teens.

Industry Response and Regulatory Scrutiny

Emerging Threat Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

The study's findings coincide with increased scrutiny on social media's impact on young people. Tech giants, including Meta, are facing legal challenges related to child safety concerns. A Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Jan. 31 will see CEOs from major platforms addressing questions about their efforts to combat sextortion and ensure child safety online.

Emerging Threat Financial Sextortion on the Rise in North America

In the face of this emerging threat, the onus is on social media companies to act swiftly, proactively, and collaboratively to protect vulnerable users from the devastating consequences of financial sextortion.

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